Garden Update for Week of May 12th

We had 1/2 inch of rain on Tuesday night so there was no need to water Wed. May 13. Suz Taylor got there early and planted carrots. Two of the 3 plots that were planted this spring got weeded and cleaned up by Linda, Geri, and Amber. They look great. The 3rd plot with leafy spinach and radishes needs the same treatment. Della, Michael, and Willie came back from a field trip and helped, too. Ingrid and Deb, with Mae and Samson’s help, transplanted a dozen tomatoes from the Greenhouse into the no-till fenced area which had the cover crop of wheat. The wheat was clipped close to the ground and the 12 tomatoes were planted in amongst the clippings without disturbing the roots. By not tilling we don’t disturb the microbes in the soil. The area around the plants will be continually mulched. This keeps the wheat from returning in addition to building up the soil. An experiment in no till. Let’s see what happens.
For Saturday we need to plant beans along fences and maybe make a tunnel in one of the plots for beans to grow on. We also need to mark out the chile patch and start making rows for planting. The 2 raised beds in the Circle are ready for planting. How about herbs? Good rain on Thursday so we may or may not have to water.
Take more milkweed seeds home to scatter for the Monarchs. And throw some kochia on the compost piles – a combo of green and brown leaves will speed up the compost. Debbie