Monsanto Tribunal: Report from the Hague

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We assembled to hear the opinions of the five judges who presided over the International Monsanto Tribunal. After taking six months to review the testimony of 28 witnesses who testified during the two-day citizens’ tribunal held in The Hague last October, the judges were ready to report on their 53-page Advisory Opinion.

The upshot of the judges’ opinion? Monsanto has engaged in practices that have violated the basic human right to a healthy environment, the right to food, the right to health, and the right of scientists to freely conduct indispensable research.

Links and more here:

I checked the Monsanto website and didn’t see anything on the homepage about the Tribunal, but did a search there and found this open letter:

What I did see on the homepage is Monsanto’s all-out effort to portray itself as sustainable.  And when I googled “California Roundup,” I found a list here of Monsanto’s responses to California’s labeling Roundup as toxic:

See what you think.

An interview with Earth Day Initiative and a petition

Featured in Medium
Since its beginnings in 1970, Earth Day has become an annual to protect and consider the welfare of the planet on which we all live. But we all know that concern for and commitment to the planet calls for more than day.

Wednesday April 19, 2017 pictures

20170405_09533720170419_10444020170419_10450420170419_10451420170419_10452420170419_10585920170419_10513220170419_10522820170419_11051020170419_110530From our president wearing her newly designed summer cap to seed starts, winter greens and garlic, a visitor wearing his mini solar fan and diggers taking a break, we’re enjoying the mild spring.  Note the bluebird house, our new method of mounding potatoes, and our water master pointing out where she stepped in a gopher hole.20170419_104043-120170419_104037