What roots look like

The Secret Life of Roots at the U.S. Botanic Garden in Washington this weekend.

Thanks to Suzanne Taylor for posting this photo on Facebook. Roots can break up nearly impenetrable soil so water and nutrients can percolate.  That’s one reason we plant cover crops in our community garden.  Soil stores carbon. Cover crops reduce need for fertilizer if you’re a conventional farmer (which we aren’t).  We use manure and mulch as well as cover crops.  Then we can drill down to plant seed, leaving the cover to prevent evaporation.

USDA Forces Whole Foods to Accept Monsanto

Perhaps you recall that in 2013 Whole Foods announced they would label GMOs by 2018.  Well, apparently intentions have changed.  I don’t know if USDA is forcing or Whole Foods, Organic Valley, and Stonyfield Farm are choosing to accept Monsanto’s GMOs. You decide if in allowing GMO alfalfa, these groups are opening the door to other GMOs.  Whole Foods’ email says, “The policy set for GE alfalfa will most likely guide policies for other GE crops as well  True coexistence is a must.”


and http://www.counterpunch.org/2011/01/28/the-organic-elite-surrenders-to-monsanto/


Zika Virus possibly from GMO mosquitoes

I hate the expression “perfect storm,” but here is one: The mosquito engineered to wipe out dengue fever, by being released where tetracycline is present in animal feed, breeds without the self-destruct function, thereby facilitating the spread of Zika virus. Or maybe the tetracycline–inserted into genes as a marker–is itself part of the genetic engineering process (though the article doesn’t say so).http://theantimedia.org/zika-outbreak-epicenter-in-same-area-where-gm-mosquitoes-were-released-in-2015/