Thoughts from VCG president, Joyce Johns Hutchinson, on coping with Bermuda Grass–and the evidence that others haven’t given up either

I have begun to make peace with the Bermuda grass. I think it is one reason we can get away with only watering twice a week. It holds the moisture, the roots go deep and somehow the garden is healthy. Digging the grass out around the edges of plots isn’t any more work than putting down cardboard and chips. The squash bugs still haven’t bothered the lemon cukes, we never had a single tomato worm, and not one apple had cottle worm damage. Still had worms In the corn though. I’m reading Gary Paul Nabhan, Growing Food in a Hotter, Dryer Land. jjh


what we’re up against


Kathy weeding Bermuda grass out of the potato plot


Bethel with Bermuda grass she spent all morning extracting


Deb and Nancy weeding out Bermuda grass and preparing the garlic plot


Early October:  garlic plot mulched and ready to plant