Membership in Valencia Community Gardens (VCG)

While the Garden is put to sleep for the winter, we are having a planning meeting January 22, Wed. at Whitfield at 10am.   All interested folks are welcome.

Regular workdays begin late Feb. early March.  To be a member one works 2-4 hours per week at regular Wed. and Sat. morning workdays.  Annual membership dues are $25 per individual or family.  Valencia Community Gardens is at Silva Rd.–the road connecting Tome Gallery with Tome Plaza and running slightly west of Hwy 47 on land generously provided to us by Jan Pacifico and George Ridgeway.pic for May 1 meeting.croppedDeb and Ingrid20161009_121149-bethelcdc6612.23.19.resizedJoyce smiling


In existence for more than ten years, Valencia Community Gardens was inspired by Rosemary Kaul, one of our founding members.  She suggested plural “Gardens” in the hope that from one location VCG would reach out to other gardeners who might form their own community gardens in Valencia County.  In addition to this blog, we also have a Facebook page, and we are starting to post on NextDoor.

More photos here:


Garden update 1/8/2020

Debbie says,
“The Greenhouse is flourishing even with this chilly weather. Bethal and I are watering regularly. About every 6 days seems to be enough to keep the soil moist and the greens happy. Bethal watered Monday Dec. 30th and On Sunday Jan. 5th I gave it a good drink. By next weekend it should need more. If you go in, write down what you did on the yellow tablet. And do take some fresh healthy organic greens.

And mark your calendar for Wednesday Jan. 22nd for a general planning meeting – ordering seeds etc. – at Whitfield at 10am. On Feb. 15th Ron will organize the filling of the bioreactor composter. We’ll need all hands on deck for that event.”  Debbie

Joyce says:
Bring seed catalogs and ideas to the Jan 22nd meeting at Whitfield at 10:00 a.m.

I’ll bring coffee. Stay for awhile after the meeting and go for a walk in the Bosque.

Our work day on Saturday the Feb.15th. Is an “all hands on deck” day. We will need to churn up some leaves, get all the bagged material wet and then fill the waiting bioreactor. We are making this a community event to teach our neighbors about the bioreactor and its benefits. Building it is fairly simple using commonly found materials. We have a complete instruction manual that we can hand out to visitors. Ron has been working very hard replacing our hoses with sturdier material.

greens closeup.

And please, come pick greens from the greenhouse. There are plenty of containers. Thank you, Bethal, you did a wonderful job planning, planting, and labeling the crop. Are y’all enjoying these sunny but cold winter days? Come join us at our next two events, jjh

Debbie Christensen is President of VCG, and Joyce Johns is past President and current outreach coordinator.  For details on the Bioreactor Composter, click here:  Johnson-Su Bioreactor Composter